Thursday, October 29, 2009

70% Sure

We have been eagerly anticipating our 20th week so we can find out if we are having a boy or a girl. We got a pleasant surprise when we went to our first trimester screenings ultrasound (11 weeks 6 days). . .the ultrasound tech asked us if we would like to know the gender of our little miracle! We said "Absolutely!" We did not know they could tell this early on! So she put the gel on my tummy and then there it was! But is was face down in the corner of the screen. Then she was looking all over and said "See this big black space? This is your bladder and it is FULL!" So I had to go empty my bladder and then when I came back and we could see the baby again, it had tons of room and was punching and kicking and popping all over the place. It was amazing yet so strange because I could see it moving but couldn't feel it. The tech laughed and said the baby was happy again. :) No more holding it when I have to go pee, the baby doesn't have any room in there! She also said that it was a wild baby and very active! The purpose of the ultrasound was to test for nuchal translucency which came out to be in the normal range which was good. So the tech was getting the baby to move around and finally it caught on and decided not to move so much. . .she was looking to see if it was a boy or a girl. She finally said "I'm 70% sure it is a boy and that was my first instinct." As you will see in the picture labeled 'boy?' that part is flat and parallel to the spine if it is a girl at this stage and angled up if it is a boy. She said the baby's wasn't as nice of an angle as she would be like to see but it wasn't flat either so she is going with boy which makes us happy, that is what we would really like to have. Its fun to see how small the baby was at 8 weeks and then see him again at 11 weeks and see how much it has changed. I can't wait until the 20 week ultrasound when we get to find out for sure if it is a boy or a girl, as long as it cooperates! ;) It is the size of a peach right now. I feel pretty good, have my energy back and we are getting to gym a few times a week to walk so that is definitely helping. I am in maternity pants now so it makes me feel a little more like I have a baby bump and not just a bump. LOL. More to come later, and I promise, I will update on a more regular basis!


About Me

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.