Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Now The Work Begins

I had my 6 week post partum check up yesterday. Everything has healed correctly and looks good so I am cleared to do more exercise than just walking. Woohoo! I am actually very excited for this. Over the course of the pregnancy I put on 60 lbs. After the baby was born I just kind of lost 25 lbs in those first two weeks and then kind of steadied out. So now I have 35 lbs to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight and that is my first goal. Then I think I will like to lose 5 or 10 more pounds after that, but I will worry about that when I get to my first goal. I am hoping to start getting back into the gym today. We can't utilize the on-site daycare the gym has until Milton turns 3 months old. So I have to try to convince Mike to stay home for an hour or so so I can go up there. I don't think he is a fan of us going separately for now but that is what has to be done. I've actually been trying to get up there for the last couple weeks just to walk but he always has something come up that he has to do so I can't go. It has been pretty frustrating actually. I will just keep trying I guess. I am uncomfortable at this weight and am not going to buy any new clothes, I want to fit into the clothes I already have!! I will get there!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Feeding Time

So right now I am locked in our bedroom typing this. Yes, I put myself in here. My husband is currently feeding our son with a bottle. Since he was born I have breastfed him exclusively. There has been frustration and tears on both ends but in the last few weeks we have seemed to get it down to a science. Occasionally Milt will still kind of goof around and wiggle all over the place before getting down to business but this has turned into our special little time. Mike will get up in the middle of the night to sit next to me and help with burping and once in awhile during the day he will sit with us also. But its still special bonding time for us. At Milt's two week appointment, the pediatrician said to introduce a bottle around 4-5 weeks so the baby will be more apt to take it when Mom is away or back to work. When we left the appointment that day Mike proclaimed how excited he was to get to be able to feed the baby. That was the point I realized how special feeding the baby was and have cherished it ever since. Well now that summer is upon us, there are graduation parties and festivals to be had and it would be nice to be able to have the flexibility of bringing some pumped milk and a bottle and be able to be out for more than 3 hours at a time, without having to find a private place to park and feed in the backseat of the Murano. So we decided that Mike would try feeding Milt with the bottle. So that time is now. I started crying! I didn't think I would have this reaction at all! Mike offered to not feed him with the bottle today but I told him that we should probably just see how it goes. So they are sitting out in the living room and I am in here typing this. I think more than anything I am worried that Milton will take to the bottle because it might be less work and then refuse the breast. Then our special little time will be gone. The only reason I say the bottle might be less work is because it might remind him of the nipple shield the hospital gave me the first day I was in there. Number one, it was way too big for his little mouth and number two, I came to find out I didn't even need it. It made him a lazy eater. . .he would let the milk puddle up in the shield and then it would trickle into his mouth until there was enough to swallow and then he would do that. Very little suckling went on when I was using the shield, but lots of swallowing. Hopefully the bottle's nipple does not do damage to the feeding we have already established! I know I should consider myself lucky that I have been able to exclusively breastfeed up until this point with little problem because I know a lot of women for whatever reason or another, cannot do so. Or they have to pump every 2-3 hours to keep their supply up. At least my baby is getting the breast milk, whether its au natural or via bottle. That's the important thing. Well, they just came in here to report the feeding went well and Milton is very sleepy. . .we will see what happens at the next feeding when we go back to me feeding. . .


About Me

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.