Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving Thanks

On this day before Thanksgiving, I figured I could take a few minutes to give thanks.

I am thankful for my husband. Sometimes it seems as if he irritates me to no end, but he is a good guy with a caring heart and I know he loves me and the family we have created. I am thankful that he can make me laugh. I am thankful that he works an on call tow truck driving job and a little weekly paper route on top of his regular job to help make extra money. Doing all of these jobs means less time he can spend with us, yet he never complains...he is happy to be able to be helping make ends meet. When it gets tough, we always say that "someday it will not be like this, and money will not be such an issue", and we just keep going from there.

I am thankful for my kids. Milton is a happy little ball of energy and you cannot be in a bad mood around him. He just makes you smile. Britta is such a sweet little baby that loves to snuggle. I can't wait to see what she is like as she gets older and develops her little personality. Kids are time consuming, but are so worth it. I am blessed to have two healthy kids that are also good kids.

I am thankful for my career. I got it started much later in life than I had planned, but I did it. I am thee and can only go up from here. I am thankful for the firm I work for and all of the people there. They are amazing. It feels more like a little family than a job. The people lift each other up and support each other, everyone wants everyone else to do well. That is uncommon in many work places these days. The work is challenging and engaging. I never dread going to work on a Monday morning. . .Sundays are no longer depressing thinking about Smithers week of work. I am truly lucky to have found a career that I love and a place to work that I love.

I am thankful for my wonderful friends and all of my family members. I am blessed to have these people in my life. I am thankful for so much, just like anyone is. I hope you can take a moment to reflect on what you are most thankful for this holiday season.

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About Me

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.