Friday, August 21, 2009

Its a YES!

We decided almost as soon as we made the plans to go to Memphis for summer vacation 2009 that when we got back we would try for a baby. There is more than enough love in our house and we both felt extremely ready. It was an odd series of events that led up to when we actually started trying. We were originally going to go to Memphis at the end of July but due to circumstances with work schedules, we ended up going near the end of June. Coincidently, my last pack of birth control pills ended the week before we went to Memphis. If we had gone in July, I would have been in the middle of a pack. We took this as a sign from above. It just worked out too perfectly. So we decided to try after Memphis in June, rather than waiting for the end of July. Mike had been particularly concerned about not having a fall or winter baby. There are already too many events. . .our anniversary in October, his birthday and Thanksgiving in November, my birthday, Christmas and New Year's in December. . .it is just too much! So there was a bit of planning on our end to try to get this to take so we would have a spring or summer baby. This would also enusre no delivery or birthdays would land during duck or deer hunter opener. So things just were feeling different for me this last couple weeks. I have been exhausted, and Mike will tell you that I am NEVER in need of a nap, much less tired before 10:30 at night and I was feeling extremely bloated and getting heartburn after nearly everything I ate. My period did not appear when it was scheduled to so we took a pregnancy test at home. It was a +/- test. . .and showed up with a very faint + sign. I was estactic and started jumping all over the place. Mike was not so convinced by the faint + and requested we try another test. On Tuesday we went and got a digital test that said Yes or No and we took that and there was a clear YES in the window after two of the longest minutes of our lives. :) Mike believed it this time so he celebrated with a beer and then we had a gigantic bowl of ice cream. We have a Little Pea (LP we call it for short) growing! It is sooooo exciting. I have a pre-natal class next week for new Moms thru my clinic and my first appt will come at my 9 week mark in September. :) It still does not feel real.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys, We will be keeping up with your info. Love, Gail & Dad.



About Me

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.