Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Growing Belly & Belly Bands

So the first picture you see is me today, at 7.5 weeks and the picture underneath is at 6 weeks. I was 'sucking in' in the first picture. . .that's a hrad habit to break after all of these years!!! ;) It sure looks like something is happening tho in my picture from tonight! :)
So I got a belly band. It is AMAZING. For the last two days I have worn pants that I can no longer zip or button up and it has held my pants up and is actually really comfortable. I've heard this will help me be able to wear my regular pants much longer into my pregnancy which will be nice.
It just seems like all of a sudden my belly has started to pop!!! It is much too early for it to be doing so. A lot of the books I am reading state that most people start showing around 16 weeks and if you are showing any earlier it is because you have a large uterus. . .or. . .are carrying MULTIPLES!!!!!!! OMG I don't know what we would do if we were carrying multpiles. LOL. It would certainly be interesting. I am 7 weeks and 6 days so pretty much 8 weeks. . . I would think I should look like this in 8 more weeks!
My friend at work Lisa, and I, were tossing around another idea about why this bump could be appearing so early. Since I'm so short and kind of smushed in the middle to begin with, it could be that the extra just has no where else to go but out at this point so that's what it's doing. My friend Emily told me to just not worry or get too excited, some ladies just show extremely early. :)
Multiples would certainly be intersting. There are no multiples on either side but according to my books approximately 1 in 100 births results in multiples. If there are multiples on the mother's side then you have a higher chance of having them yourself.
I have had two dreams now that we are having triplets. . . We go in for the first OB appt and the Dr listens for the fetal tones and starts to laugh and says "We need to do an ultrasound so I can confirm this" and sure enough there are three little peas bouncing around in there. In a little over a week we have the first appt and are hoping we will only hear one fetal tone. :)

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.