Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Masks and Laughter

I'll admit it. Pregnancy gas is something that no one talks about but everyone has. Including me. And it is B-A-D. At first it was kind of funny and we would laugh everytime I would fart and it was a little stinky. But now, it can clear a room. Even I have to get out of the room. So it has definitely taken a turn! I have been lucky in that I don't get it in the morning or during the day work (Thank God!) but by the time we have dinner and then especially afterwards, watch out! Last night Mike and I were doing the dishes and I started farting. He is always none the wiser until I start laughing uncontrollably. I cannot help that at all. I get that from Mom. :) Everytime Mom farted it was silent and you never knew she did it until she started laughing. So everytime I started laughing last night, Mike was like "Come on!" and I said "I know! I can't help it!" between laughs. :) So he was washing and I was drying and I had a particularly stinky one and his hands were full of soap so he couldn't pull his shirt up over his nose (like he usually does the second I start laughing) so he had to smell it. And it was not pleasant. So after that he dried his hands and said, "I'll be right back" and went downstairs. He came back wearing one of those safety masks that goes over your nose and mouth. I was just laughing and now it was my turn to say "Come on!" and he said "I can't handle some of these!!!" So he pulled it up on to his forhead and everytime I started laughing and giggling he pulled it down over his nose. :) I don't blame him, I really don't. I thought I had some bad farts after I did Slim 4 Life and was getting used to all the raw green veggies but pregnancy gas has that beat by miles! I ended up clearing both of us out of the kitchen a couple of times last night. It was ridiculous. :) After one fart, the dogs came up and started smelling it and then Herbie licked his lips! Now if you don't think that is a sign of a BAD fart, then I don't know what is! ;) This pregnancy journey has been pretty fun so far overall tho. I haven't really had any problems and the baby has been nice to me so far. I'm so glad that Mike and I can laugh and make fun of the "stinky" moments of pregnancy tho! There is no one else in the world I would want to be on this journey with. :)

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.