Thursday, November 19, 2009

20 lbs and Counting. . .

I had my 16 week check in on Monday. I weighed in at 163 lbs which is 20 lbs since I got pregnant. The Dr said that 20 lbs in 16 weeks was on the high end of normal. He's not too concerned but asked me if there was anything in my diet that I could change. And there is. I just haven't been very mindful of what I am eating, which I can attribute to dieting and being so aware of what I'm eating all the time. . . You would think that would keep right on since I'm growing a new life inside of me, but it had the opposite affect. It was like a free pass to not be mindful. . . Which can be bad in the long run if I don't check it now. :) Mike and I are still getting to the gym 3 times a week and walking for 30 min. I've been able to still be walking at 3 mph which doesn't sound like a lot but when I'm chattering the whole time at Mike, I get winded pretty easily. But I am going to keep on walking as long as I can! I realized the other night that I weigh 163 lbs. . .I was 166 lbs when I started Slim 4 Life. How odd is that. This 163 feels nothing like that old 166. My watch still fits and is loose, my rings are still loose on my fingers (unless I swell up from the pregnancy which has happened a few times after I've gotten really warm), my face is not puffy and chubby. It is a very different 163 lbs. And what's most important is that I don't feel it. I was actually really shocked when he said I had gained 20 lbs already. Hopefully I won't go much over the recommended 35 lb weight gain for pregnancy, but if I do, I do. Even the Dr said everyone is different and I could be someone who gains the majority of the weight up front. We shall see. As long as I am doing my part with the walking and just being more mindful, I should be fine. As for the baby, it was beating in the 150's and sounded really good and strong. It is always amazing to hear that "whoosing" sound. :) We get to find out for sure if it is a boy or a girl in just two weeks! I cannot wait. :)

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.