Thursday, December 3, 2009
19 Weeks
I'm 19 weeks along tomorrow! Yay! Monday I get the 20 week ultrasound where we get to find out the sex of the baby. I am so excited to know one way or the other. I have found that people are very opinionated on whether you should find out or not. I find it a strange thing to be so opinionated about.
I want to find out because 1) I can and 2) it makes it a little easier to start planning the room and thinking of names and 3) why not?? Someone I had a discussion about this with did not find out what they were having until it was born and made the argurment well you just paint everything yellow and green, neutral colors, and you pick out a couple names for both genders. They also said it was like having Christmas all over again when the baby is born and its a surprise. I don't know, I just want to know. Luckily Mike does too and so does everyone in our family so it was a no brainer for us. The baby just has to cooperate on Monday! :)
Things seem to be going along fairly smoothly. I have battled a pretty bad cold most of this week but finally feel like I am on the other side of it so that is good. I know the baby is safe and cozy in there and still getting all the nutriets it needs. But I still feel bad I haven't been well. My bump doesn't seem to be growing any bigger but I suppose I scrutinize it everyday, every time I am in front of a mirror. :) I am going to a baby shower for another friend that is pregnant on Saturday and I haven't seen some of those ladies in some time so I am interested to see what they think of my bump. A friend of mine told me a lot of bumps don't really 'get going' until around the 6 month. So maybe then it will start getting big. :)
Other than that, everything is just chugging right along. I can't believe I am already almost half way done with being pregnant. When I first found out I was pregnant, it felt like it would take forever to get to the 20 week ultrasound, and here it is, just a few days away. :)
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- Jennie
- Twin Cities, Minnesota
- I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.
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