Monday, January 18, 2010

Sciatic Nerve. . .and a Name!

All in all, my pregnancy has been going fairly smoothly. As it is progressing, I am having more of a problem with sciatic nerve pain. At first it was just a dull throbbing pain in the back of my left thigh from time to time. If I had been standing, I would have to sit down and put my feet up and then it was pretty bearable. I asked my Dr about it and he said there is really nothing that can be done about it, but if it were to get worse, then he could refer to me to physical therapy. I think it finally got worse. On Saturday Mike and I were out shopping and had been doing so for a couple hours so my leg was starting to hurt. I was leaning on the shopping cart to try to take some pressure off of my leg. All of a sudden the pain shot down my right leg. It has been getting more and more intense in my left, but I have never had it in my right leg. So I had it in both legs so I had to sit down in the aisle in Menards right where I was. Then on Sunday I was walking thru the living room with a mirror in my hand and almost fell to the ground when the pain shot down my left leg. Mike had to run over and make sure I didn't fall and grab the mirror before I dropped it. The pain is very intense. I sat with a heating pad on it yesterday for awhile which helped until I stood up. So Sunday I was sidelined most of the day which was frustrating. I feel good otherwise and want to help get stuff done around the house and then have to just sit there. Mike has been absolutely wonderful at home, cooking all the meals, washing all the dishes, getting me whatever I need or doing things I ask him to do like vacuum, and always insisting I have a seat. He is going to be great father. So at my next appointment in Feb, I will be asking my Dr if he can refer me to physical therapy. On another note, we figured out the name!!! :) But we are not telling anyone until he is born. We decided to use family names, so one name from his side and one from my side. Mike got to pick the name from his side and I got to pick the name from my side. Mike had no problem picking his, but I have had a little more trouble. I think I finally decided on it so I am pretty excited. I do not refer to my belly as the name but its fun to say ". . .. . 's room" or ".. . .. .'s pack n play". It's just fun to think of him as an actual little person. There is just so much in a name that its a hard decision. And we are a Jennifer and Michael, two of the most common names. So we didn't want to pick another common name, nor did we want a name so uniquely spelled that he would have to constantly tell people how to spell or pronounce his name. I think what we came up with is great. Its still unique, but not crazy out there. :) Sorry, have to keep you in suspense for something these last few months! Next Dr appt is on Feb 3rd, which is a check up for me, a growth check ultrasound for him, and also the diabetes test for me. We also have the special fetal echo that morning where we go to Riverside to see his heart on a specialized ultrasound. I can't wait to see how much more developed he looks now, compared to the 20 week ultrasound. :)


  1. I had sciatica with both pregnancies and I know how painful it can be. Nothing relieves it for good but I found that kneeling in a "cat" position on the floor and arching you back helps. I also saw a chiro and Drew did some PT on me, but of which helped for a bit...hopefully you can get some relief!

  2. Thanks for the tip Kristy! I will have to try that cat position! Anything to get some relief!



About Me

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.