Thursday, January 21, 2010

Under 100!!!!!

So I just noticed that I have under 100 days to go, according to my little ticker. How exciting!!!! I can't decide if this last amount of time is going to go by fast or slow. I have heard that it goes both ways. I find I am very preoccupied with labor and delivery these days. I think that is normal at this stage in the pregnancy for a first time mom to go thru, but it also doesn't help that the last two "baby" classes have focused solely on these two subjects. Complete with a stuffed animal pelvis and a new born sized baby crashing thru there. How about those visuals? :) Or put a ping pong ball into a balloon and then blow up the balloon. Then try to squeeze the ping pong ball out the end. . .yup, the simulates dialtion! :) LOL the classes have been great, but really have me thinking about labor. I can't decide if I would rather have a C-section or go thru labor. I suppose with a C-section you would feel all of the pain during recovery, where as with the labor it would be painful during but the recovery probably isn't as bad. I don't know anything about either so these classes have been interesting. They haven't talked about C-sections yet, other than to say that 25% of all births are done via C-section. . .the other 75% are natural labor. I know it's all up to my little guy to let me know what route we are going to take. . but it would be nice to know one way or the other a little ahead of time. :) I like to plan too much and am a little type-A but I think this kid is going to change all of that. Mike is excited for that. :) The baby LOVES when Mike talks to him. It's crazy. Last night Mike wanted to feel him moving around before bed and he was not doing anything. So Mike started talking to him and all of sudden, there he was popping around. Mike really gets a kick out of it when he responds to his voice like that. I think it's great. I haven't done much talking to him myself, it just feels kind of funny to me. But maybe I will try.

1 comment:

  1. Hey that how'd you'd spell it the way Jim Carrey says it??? Anyway, time for another update...and I'm sorry...why is it, my baby tickers numbers are counting down far slower than yours? I'm trying to make it under 100 and yours are just blowing on by??? I keep coming to your page with ticker envy! BEH! ~Michelle



About Me

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.