Saturday, March 6, 2010

On Wednesday I had a "growth" ultrasound so they could see how the baby has progressed since last month. He is now just a week behind my gestational age. He still has long legs and his head circumference and his abdomen grew enough to put him into the 33rd percentile for growth, which the Dr was very happy about, considering where he was the last time we saw him. They estimate that he weighs about 3 lbs 10 oz right now. Still just a little guy in there. :) He is definitely running out of room in there, his little arm and hand were smashed up against his face. He is head down and in a good position and at the appointment was laying on his side, facing my right side. :) Its amazing how they can tell you all of that information. The Dr took a look at my blood sugar numbers and approved of those so that was really good for me to know what I have been doing to take of the gestational diabetes is actually working without needing insulin. He said that as long as my numbers continue to look good, then he thinks we can go a few more weeks without needing another a growth check. And I have only gained 3 lbs since getting the GD almost a month ago. . .woot woot!!! So I asked him if he was still thinking about wanting to take him early because after the last growth check he was considering inducing me early, depending on how the growth does or does not progress. He said that as long as the baby is active and appears to be growing, even if it is at a slow and steady rate, then he is fine with leaving him in there until he decides its time to make his debut. So that is fine with me! I am excited and anxious to meet him, but we still have a lot of stuff to do around the house to get ready for him. :) I also talked to the Dr about a contraction that I experienced while Mike and I were walking on treadmills at the gym last week. All of a sudden my whole abdomen area got super tight and hard and there was a pressure pushing downwards, it lasted for most of the time we were walking. It was unlike anything else I have ever felt, worse than when the baby is pushing so hard you can feel his little feet. The Dr said that was probably a practice contraction and the next time it happens I need to stop what I am doing and rest and time it, if it lasts for an hour then I need to call the clinic so they can asses what needs to be done, which he said most of the time is nothing at this stage. So that was interesting to feel. I haven't been to the gym since. :) I go back in two weeks just for a quick check up and then I will be going back two weeks from then and then I'm on once a week appointments. . .so the time is really starting to go by fast. I think with the transition from winter to spring happening at this same time, it really makes the time seem like it is flying. I've been feeling pretty good overall. I tend to get acid reflux more often now, especially if I try to turn in a chair to look behind me or have to bend down to pick something up, its instantly there. Tums go everywhere with me. :) I'm feeling pretty big and clumsy and every time I see Dad he tells me that I am "getting pretty big". Which is fine, I know he doesn't mean anything bad by it. I'm still hanging in there, haven't really felt much of the 'I just want to be done with this' yet. . .but I still have a good 8 or so weeks to go!

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.