Monday, April 19, 2010

Almost There

Well I am 38 weeks 3 days. My due date is next Friday. We are almost there. Last Wednesday at my weekly check up, I was dilated to 3 cm. My Dr was extremely happy. For the last three weeks I have dilated 1 cm up to where I was this last Wednesday. He said there was a very good possibility that if things kept progressing at the rate they were, I could have the baby within a week, and maybe even by the end of this weekend that just passed. Unfortunately he did not come by the end of the weekend. . .it is Monday and here I am, pregnant as ever. :) So we'll see where I am at this Wednesday. I bet I am still at a 3. I haven't had anything more than some lower back and groin pain, not even any Braxton Hicks. Mike does not want him to come on the 20th because that's the "Pot Smokers" day, not on the 21st so his Golden Birthday doesn't land on the 21st and I am opposed to the 22nd because that is Earth Day. LOL. So he needs to come tonight or wait until Friday, or better yet, just wait until next Monday because Mike is on call all this weekend and can make some good money, which we could use. Of course we have absolutely no say in when he will come. :) I've been hearing lots of things that I should try to do to get the contractions really going. Everything from getting a pedicure to eating White Castle to having sex. The more and more I think about it, the more I think that those are things people happened to do right before they went into labor and then make a correlation that because they did that, it caused the contractions. The only thing that makes any sense to me at all is the sex and that was because my OB nurse friend explained the hormone or whatever that is in the semen that can help rupture the membranes. I can't remember off hand what that hormone is but I also read about it in my book, and no it is not petocin. I think the only person that knows when he is coming is the baby himself and I just have to wait until he decides! I'm just ready to be done. I can't wait to see my Dr's reaction when he sees me on Wednesday, he was pretty positive he wouldn't be seeing me for this week's appointment, he didn't even tell me to make one, but I did just in case. ;) And there is still a chance that he could come before then, we shall see what he decides to do.

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.