Thursday, April 22, 2010

Drop That Head Baby!

It's amazing to look at the little baby ticker and see '8 days'. I am getting really anxious for this little guy to just be born already! I went to the Dr yesterday and at 38 weeks, 5 days, I was almost 4 cm. The Dr was very pleased. We talked about 'stripping the membranes' and he said I was a good candidate since my cervix was very soft so I said that is fine with me. So he did that. Its not a guarantee that active labor will start but can be just the little nudge that my body needs to get things going. After doing that he said all it will take is the baby to drop just a little bit more and put some good pressure on the cervix and things should really get going. Boy do I hope so!!! I have an appointment for next week, the 29th, the day before my due date, but he is still confident the baby will come before then. He said if for some reason he doesn't, then we will talk about having me induced in May. MAY! That sounds so horrible to me, I want him out before May! :) But the Dr did say he wouldn't wait for a whole week beyond my due date to induce so it sounds like it will be at the beginning of that week if we have to go that route. I just think this is all so funny for how concerned they all were that he would be born early in March and at a very small weight because of the two-vessel cord issue. He probably will stay in there until May just to prove everyone wrong. :P The Dr guesstimated that the baby is probably in the 7lb range right about now and is still gaining his little half pound each week. I am also still gaining, I wish that would stop anytime!!! 55 extra pounds on my 5 foot frame is about all the extra I really want to worry about! The only really uncomfortable things that I have to complain about are the massively swollen feet and legs and how absolutely difficult it is to get in and out of bed. Once I lay down, forget it. Other than that, I feel pretty OK. Sometimes tired but for the most part OK. Mike is getting pretty excited for this guy to come too. I'm really hoping once he is here and we are spending money on diapers and all baby necessities, that he will realize the need for a full time job. I know he loves his tow-truck job and the commission money is great when he is on call, but I think I would love it a little better if he was full time during the week, and I could keep my day time work hours. We'll see what happens, it was so hard for him to just find this job over the last almost year that we are grateful he has it. We are in for some definite changes once the baby is born.

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.