Saturday, April 3, 2010

Its April!

So it is finally here. . .April. . .the month this little guy should make his debut into the world. I am 36 weeks 1 day today and at this point, I am ready to be done being pregnant. I'm tired of the acid reflux, the wild emotional swings, the fact my husband views my body as purely functional and not sexual, and most of all the swollen feet and cankles. And it would be nice to wear my own regular clothes again! I really don't mean to complain, I just want my baby here!!! I want to see who I have been growing these last 9 months! Had a regular check up on Wednesday and everything was fine. Fundal height was right on point, normal blood pressure, only gained 2 lbs since the last appointment two weeks ago. We talked about my diabetes and the Dr does not think that I have it. Which I also did not really think I had it but was not going to express that, but now I feel vindicated since he also thinks so. Basically he told me that there is such a gray area that they use as the cut off numbers that you could fail by one point one day and come back the next day and pass by two points. So apparently this three hour test is not very accurate. He said they of course err on the side of caution and will tell you have it before you don't just to make sure they do not overlook someone who really does have it. He said unless my diet was absolutely perfect, I would actually be preventing the diabetes. Well I still do McDonald's on a regular basis and eat ice cream as my bedtime snack. . .and my numbers are still within the range. He thinks I was so borderline that I just had an off day when I got tested. Which really stinks because now its part of my health history, I can't put on there they didn't think I really had it after the fact. :P So now I will be on weekly appointments until the baby comes. We have almost everything we need for him so that is exciting. There are some other projects that will not be getting done before he gets here I don't think, and I am trying to let go of that the best I can. It will get done when it gets done, whether that is before he comes or after. I'm interested to see how life changes for me, for my husband, for our relationship, for our dog. Things are already different between Mike and I and sometimes its really good and sometimes its really bad. We are just having a hard time meeting each other's needs right now for some reason. I hope we can resolve this now before the baby comes because its just going to be 100 times harder once that little guy is here. This has been quite a journey and I'm looking forward for this part to end so the next part can begin.

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About Me

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Twin Cities, Minnesota
I am a mom, wife and I work full time outside the home, trying to find the balance in it all.