Then they took a look at my ovaries and I have a small cyst on one of them. They discovered this at the 12 week ultrasound and said not to worry then, and then said not to worry now either. They said it was pretty small and should just disappear on its own. Then they discovered that my placenta was sitting a little too low, very close to the cervix. The cut off for being concerned about a low lying placenta is 3 cm and guess what, mine was right at 3 cm. The Dr said he was certain that it would move up and away from the cervix but it was something that warranted an extra ultrasound so they could make sure. I won't argue against extra ultrasounds!
Then they noticed something with my umbilical cord. I could tell during the ultrasound that something wasn't right because they were measuring everything with the baby and she would be like, "Here's the left femur" and then a couple minutes later, "Here's the right forerm" and then she got to the umbilical cord and said, "Here's your umbilical cord" and then she kept on looking at it and looking at it and getting different angles of it and it seemed like forever she was stuck looking at the cord so I figured something was going on with that. Sure enough, in meeting with the Dr about the pictures, he told me that I had a two vessel cord.
What is a two vessel cord? Basically in a regular umbilical cord, there are two arteries and one vein. For whatever reason, I only developed one artery in my cord. According to my pregnancy book, the one vein carries nutrients and oxygen from me to the baby and then the two arteries carry the baby's waste back to the placenta and my blood. So I am missing one of those arteries. Only about 1% of all single births develop a two vessel cord. Go figure I would get that! My primary OB said it was of no worry at this point. The growth of the baby will be closely monitored for the rest of the pregnancy. In most cases, the baby is delivered early, but completely healthy.
So we got to go back a week later to the Maternal Fetal Medicine center and got another whole ultrasound to check the growth of everything again. The fluid that were in his kidneys had completely drained out of one and had gone down quite a bit in the other so that is no longer anything they need to worry about. My placenta also moved up! It measured 3.14 cm away from the cervix so that also got crossed off the list. But I do indeed have the two vessel cord. This tech turned on the "color" which was the blood flow to and from in the cord and you could see where it was missing a line of color. It was neat to see tho. So the recommendation from the MFM Center was periodc ultrasounds and then at 31 weeks, weekly ultrasounds. As soon as the placenta quits supporting the baby, then he will be delivered. They also stressed this is not something to worry about, I can go about all my normal activities. They just monitor the growth closely because there is a chance he can be born with a low birth rate. The MFM OB also did say they would recommend a fetal echo on his heart because there is a 1% chance he could develop heart disease so they just want to make sure that is OK. But the baby was measuring right at 20 weeks, 3 days, right on track so for now we are good to go! :)